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Dear colleagues,

Welcome on board Atlantic Travel & Tours! It is a real pleasure for me to start my blog with this article.

Over the decades, the travel industry has witnessed many changes that have greatly influenced working methods. In particular, services and sales systems for the public have changed. In the past, before the birth of the internet and social media, the tourist offer was based on a standardized system focused on the precise diversification of each role of the various components of the travel industry. For example, accommodation facilities, air, land and sea transport sold their services to the public mainly through tour operators and travel agencies, but later, the internet and social media have completely changed the situation mainly in these aspects: the suppliers of the various services had the opportunity to sell directly to the public. Consequently, tour operators and travel agencies have been forced to turn their attention to different tourist services that go beyond the booking of transport and accommodation, focusing primarily on innovative and original itineraries and travel experiences aimed at certain specific categories of travelers who are increasingly informed and demanding.

For the reasons just mentioned, Atlantic Travel & Tours has this goal:

Offer exclusively tailor-made experiences and itineraries suited to the needs and preferences of each customer who must be the protagonist of their journey.

To achieve this goal, we have not published the usual ready-made package offers on our website and in our advertising materials, but only news about everything unusual that each destination offers.

We wish to enhance the professional categories of tour operators and travel agencies and at the same time offer quality and diversified services to travelers.

We hope that this section of the blog dedicated to the various operators in the travel industry will be able to achieve the objectives just mentioned.


                  ATLANTIC TRAVEL & TOURS Ltd

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